Privacy Policy
DLJ Financial respects all people’s right to privacy.
We do not use cookies.
We do not track browsing history on our site.
DLJ Financial will not sell your information to any person or entity, for any reason.
DLJ Financial will not disclose your information to any other party, unless you explicitly request such disclosures.
DLJ Financial will not use your information for future marketing purposes, unless you specifically request to receive promotional materials and/or correspondence.
Your personal, family and/or business information is your own. If you disclose personal information to DLJ Financial, it will be used for the sole purposes of ascertaining eligibility for services and providing you with such services, if they are offered.
Terms of Service
By using the website (“DLJ Financial website”, “”, and/or “this website”), you agree to the following terms and conditions:
None of the content on the DLJ Financial website is financial advice, nor should it be construed as an open offering of financial advice of any kind.
Use of the DLJ Financial website, including the completion of contact forms, does not imply a client relationship, and it does not guarantee approval for DLJ Financial client status. The DLJ Financial website is not an offer of services to anyone; provides an overview of DLJ Financial’s services, but does not guarantee a formal offer to provide these services to the user.
DLJ Financial reserves the right to deny and/or ignore any correspondence resulting from public use of the DLJ Financial website, for any reason. DLJ Financial also reserves the right to select clients based on private criteria, and is under no obligation to offer those criteria for evaluation by any person or entity.